To Matt, From Federica Matta
"Matt raconte la transformation des etres par les gestes et les effets de la rencon soufflé de notre etre profound quand il se marie a la couleur.
C’est la peinture qui cherche qui danse qui sute a pieds joints sur les traces d Avec le microscope de ses traits, lignes, spheres Matt recree sous nos yeux ceti peinture que les peintures s’envoient les uns aux autres de Piero de la Francesco, Duchamp de son frère Nick a Hans Hoffman, de Matta a Matt Carone. Cette boule-univers contient le dialogue des peintres en
eux memes et les uns a C’est cette boule que nous attrapons au vol...
En la regardant nous entrons dans le monde jubilatoire de Matt ou lesperson rencontres nous eveillent a notre corps, a nos gestes et nous invitent a particip
Qund je regards un tableau de Matt je ressens de petits picotements dans tot mais surtout au bout de mes doigts.
C’est la reponse de mon etre profound a ce qu’il propose. La peinture est le langage de l’ame, elle nous permet denous representer les espaces nouveaux de la conscience qui au fur et a mesure que notre cervea trouvent leurs representations par les mains peintures.
Matt nous met dans la main la boussole pour explorer ensemble ces territoires. Matt nous entraine dans son immense métier de connaissance de la peinture et fait pas de la peinture mais laisse la peinture se faire..."
Matt recounts the transformation of beings by gestures and the effects of the encounter and of the breath of our deepest being when it is married to color.
It's the painting that searches, that dances, that jumps with its' feet together onto the traces of the invisible. With the microscope of his strokes, lines and spheres, Matt recreates, in front of our eyes, this ball of painting which artists throw to each other, from Peiro de la Francesca to Marcel Duchamp, from his brother Nick to Hans Hoffman, from Matta to Matt Carone.
This ball/universe contains the painters dialogue within themselves and among themselves.
It's this ball we catch on the fly...
Looking at it we enter Matt's world of jubilation, where the "characters", by their encounter, awaken us to our bodies, our gestures and invite us to participate...
When I look one of Matt's paintings, I feel tingling in my whole body but mostly at the tips of my fingers.
It is my deepest being's response to what he proposes. Painting is the language of the soul, it allows us to represent new areas of consiousnous which, as our mind is transformed, find their representation through the hands of painters (artists).
Matt puts the compass in our hand that will allow us to explore these new territories together.
Matt leads us into his enormous knowledge of painting and beings, he does not paint but allows painting to happen.....